It is not surprising to learn that online charity is becoming increasingly popular among non-profit organizations. Typically, non-profit organizations raise money by holding a variety of fundraisers, sending out pledges and follow up letters, creating marketing materials and depending on large grants from various sources, including government help, corporate sponsorship and private contributors. Fundraising can be a difficult and tedious job. It can also take funds away from more worthwhile projects. The expense and amount of labor required is expensive and the return is often not worth the effort. That is why online charities have become so popular in recent years.
Social Media Befriends Online Charity
Using a charity site to give to charity offers many benefits to both the individuals donating and the organizations receiving the funds. Non-profits love online giving for a number of reasons. The faltering economy has hit everyone hard – including the corporate and individual sponsors that so generously support the causes. Smaller donations are also effected, leaving the non-profit at a bigger loss than it is equipped to handle. By using online charities, non-profits have the opportunity to raise much needed funds without all of the labor and marketing costs. People can go to the non-profit’s website or link to the site directly through social media connections like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter. The process is very easy and in addition it makes spreading the word even easier. People can share the information and donate online to the online charity of their choice with just the click of a mouse button.